Blog Perseids Meteor Shower Fireballs from the Northern Sky

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The American Meteor Society (AMS) estimates that the peak of the Perseids meteor shower will occur Sunday (13/8/2023) at 07.58 universal time (UT) or 14.58 WIB. When the peak occurred, all areas of Indonesia were still during the day. Therefore, as quoted from Time and Date, the peak of the Perseids meteor shower in Indonesia will take place on Sunday and Monday morning.

The meteors seem to radiate from the sky region called the Perseus constellation, hence it is called the Perseid meteor shower. Perseus is located in the north direction, adjacent to the Aries and Taurus constellations.

While the Perseid radiant is near the head of Perseus, a hero in Greek mythology who was sent by King Polydectes to kill and bring back the head of Medusa, a woman with snake-like hair who could turn anyone who looked at her into stone.

The Perseid meteor shower actually lasts from July 14, 2023 to September 1, 2023. Calculations from the International Meteor Organization (IMO) and Japanese meteor expert Masahiro Koseki indicate that during this period, the number of Perseid meteors will increase and the highest amount is predicted to reach 100 meteors per hour at its peak.

Read also: Earth in Meteoroid Bombardment

Such a large number of meteors only occurs during the peak of meteor showers and under truly ideal conditions, such as a dark sky far from light pollution, including lunar interference, minimal air pollution, and definitely no clouds, let alone heavy ones.

“The radiant, which is the source of the meteor radiation, must also be at the zenith or overhead.”

A meteor during the Perseids meteor shower streaks across the sky above Washington DC, captured from Arlington, Virginia, United States on August 13, 2015.

“The best location to observe the Perseids meteor shower is in the hemisphere or northern sky. Therefore, the number of meteors that can be detected around the equator, especially in the southern hemisphere, will be fewer,” said Budi Dermawan, a meteor and asteroid researcher from the Astronomy Study Program at the Bandung Institute of Technology, on Friday (11/8/2023).”

Therefore, IMO also estimated that the number of meteors that can be observed in rural areas during the peak of the Perseids meteor shower is 50-75 per hour.

As the environmental conditions and the position of the Perseids meteor shower are far from ideal, the potential for seeing the meteor shower will decrease. The urban community, which is full of light pollution, especially when the sky turns red, is almost certain to not be able to see the “falling stars”.

In fact, Bill Cooke, who leads the meteoroid study section at the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) on the NASA website, August 7, 2023, said that rural Americans can see about 40 Perseid meteors per hour on the peak night of the meteor shower until before sunrise.

“That number translates to about one meteor every few minutes. It’s not bad,” he said. The brighter the location where the meteor shower is observed, the smaller the number of meteors that can be observed.

In Indonesia, the number can be even smaller. The Perseids meteor shower peaked around 00:15 WIB. As dawn approached, the height of the radiant continued to rise, increasing the potential for meteor sightings. However, the highest position of this radiant occurred early Sunday morning at only about 25 degrees, coinciding with the beginning of dawn.

Also read: Tuesday Early Today Peak of the Leonid Meteor Shower

On early Sunday morning, the Moon was in the waning crescent phase or two days before the New Moon phase. At that time, the Moon in Jakarta only rose at 03.31 AM Western Indonesia Time. After the Moon rises, as quoted from EarthSky, on August 8th, 2023, there will be a 10 percent illuminated Moon disc, which reduces the possibility of seeing meteor showers until dawn arrives.


A meteor was captured by NASA’s All Sky Fireball Network during the Perseids meteor shower on July 26, 2023. The Perseids meteor shower will peak on August 12-13, 2023 in the United States or August 13-14, 2023 in Indonesia.

However, the appearance of the Perseids meteor shower this year is much better compared to the Perseids meteor shower in 2022, which occurred during the full moon phase.

As stated by Space, on July 21st 2023, the Perseids meteor shower without moonlight in 2016 was the best Perseids meteor shower. During that time, 150-200 meteors entered and burned in Earth’s atmosphere every hour.

After the peak has passed, the number of meteoroids or meteor raw materials that enter and burn in the Earth’s atmosphere to become the Perseids meteor shower will decrease drastically.


When we watch a meteor shower, we are actually seeing comet debris that heats up and burns up as it enters Earth’s atmosphere.

The Perseid meteor shower occurs when the Earth, in its orbit around the Sun, passes through the region that was once traversed by the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. The comet was independently discovered by Lewis Swift on July 16, 1862, and Horace Tuttle on July 19, 1962.

The clearer the location of meteor observation, the smaller the number of meteor that can be observed.

The Swift-Tuttle comet is one of the objects known to orbit the Sun repeatedly. The core of this comet has a width of 26 kilometers and it takes 133 years for the comet to orbit the Sun once.

The last time Swift-Tuttle passed near the Sun was in December 1992 with dim light and it will approach the Sun again in July 2126 which is predicted to become a bright comet.


The movement of comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle (purple color) orbiting the Sun between 1850 and 2150. The bright yellow color in the middle represents the Sun, blue indicates Earth, green Jupiter, red Saturn, and dark yellow symbolizes Uranus.

When approaching the Sun, the heat of the Sun will burn the core of the comet until it leaves gas and dust in the path it passes through. When the Earth is travelling around the Sun and passes through the comet’s trail, the remaining dust particles from the comet’s burning will be attracted by the Earth’s gravity.

When entering Earth’s atmosphere, the dust will rub against Earth’s atmosphere until the dust ignites and creates a meteor shower. The meteoroids or material that forms the Perseid meteor enters Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 214,365 km per hour or 59 km per second.

Also read: Peak of the Lyrid Meteor Shower 21-22 April 2020

After entering the Earth’s atmosphere and burning, the meteoroid is referred to as a meteor. The friction process allows the temperature of the Perseid meteor to reach 1,650 degrees Celsius.

The high speed and temperature of the meteor will also compress and heat up the air in front of it. This causes the remaining debris of the comet to burn up and become a fireball at a height of around 100 kilometers.

The small size of the debris from the comet usually causes the dust particles to be completely burned up in the atmosphere. Almost no Perseid meteor has ever been recorded as still remaining when it reaches the surface of the ground. Nevertheless, the Perseid meteor shower is the only meteor shower that has ever delayed a spacecraft launch.

At that time, on August 12, 1993, as quoted from the NASA website, the launch plan of the Discovery space shuttle for the STS-51 mission was postponed again.


The Discovery space shuttle was transported by a special vehicle to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to be attached to the external fuel tank and booster rockets on June 1, 1993. The launch of the spacecraft on August 12, 1993 was postponed due to concerns that the Perseids meteor shower could damage the shuttle while orbiting the Earth.

However, the delay for the umpteenth time was not caused by technical problems on the launcher rocket or aircraft, but by concerns over heavy Perseids meteor rain which could increase the risk of damage to the aircraft while orbiting the Earth.


Among the major meteor showers during 2023, the Perseids meteor shower is one of the best meteor showers to observe.

The number of meteors during the peak of the Perseids meteor shower ranks third, below the number of meteors during the Quandrantids and Geminids meteor showers, which reach 120 meteors per hour and occur on January 4th and December 14th, respectively.

In addition to the large amount of meteors, the Perseids meteor shower is beautiful because the visible meteors often leave colorful light trails. Moreover, the peak of the Perseids meteor shower occurs during the summer season, so people who observe it are in a comfortable temperature and comfortable staying outside in the early hours of the morning.

All of this makes the Perseids meteor shower the most popular meteor shower in the Northern Hemisphere.

The best time to observe meteor showers is after midnight until dawn. In addition to the fact that the Perseid radiant only appears after dawn, the rotation of the Earth will bring the surface of the Earth facing directly towards the direction of the flow of comet debris during the early hours of the morning, causing more meteoroids to enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

In addition to precise timing, observing the Perseid meteor shower requires a precise location. Although the best location to observe this meteor shower is in the northern hemisphere, Indonesian residents located near the equator can still observe it, even though the number of meteors observed may be less than the ideal amount.

This observation also requires a suitable location, namely an area with a clear view towards the northern sky free from any obstructions, ranging from buildings, tree branches and foliage, let alone rooftops.

This place should also be far from city light pollution. Therefore, rural areas, mountains, forests, or farmland that are far from city illumination are good places for observing meteor showers.


Animation of the Perseids meteor shower radiating from the Perseid radian (yellow circle) seen from Jakarta on Saturday (12/8/2023) around 02.00 WIB.

However, those living on the outskirts of the city still have the opportunity as long as light pollution in the area is not severe and the sky is clear. Nevertheless, since such situations rarely occur on the outskirts, finding a place that truly has a dark sky is the best option.

Moreover, the peak of the Perseid meteor shower this time will happen on the weekend and Sunday night, so it will not disrupt those who have to work or go to school the next day.

Because being outside in the early hours for hours, those who want to observe this meteor need to equip themselves with warm clothes or blankets, lazy chairs or mats for relaxation, as well as warm food and drinks. In addition, patience is needed because at the beginning of the early hours, only a few meteors may be visible.

During the waiting for the Perseids meteor to appear, a number of celestial objects can also be observed. In the southern region of the Perseus constellation, there is the Taurus constellation with the star Aldebaran, which was once popular among mothers who love soap operas.

In the north of Aldebaran, there is a cluster of stars called Pleiades or also known as Lintang Kartika (Javanese), Tsuraya (Arabic), or Subaru (Japanese) and is mentioned by its name in the Quran and hadiths as An Najm.

To the south of Taurus or precisely to the east, there is the Orion constellation which is famous for its stars Betelgeuse and Rigel. In Java, the Orion constellation is called Lintang Waluku.

In the past, if this constellation appeared in the east after sunset and reached a certain height, it indicated the arrival of the rice planting season in Java. In addition, for planets, Jupiter could be seen magnificently at a height of 50-60 degrees.

So you want to stay up late to watch the “stars fall” from the sky and prove their beauty? Although the appearance of meteors from the sky almost simultaneously is very interesting, don’t imagine it is like the meteor shower in the youth drama Meteor Garden (2001) with meteor showers appearing regularly and many times continuously.

Just prove it!